The Great 2015 Coin Search

Where are the 2015 commemorative coins?It’s nearly December, and one question keeps cropping up here at Change Checker – where are all the 2015 commemorative coins?

The new designs for 2016 have been revealed and yet we have not seen a single one of this year’s commemorative coins in circulation.

What’s happened to them? Where have they gone? Will they ever get released – and as they only have a month to run, will there be some rare low mintages?

For us, and I’m sure other Change Checkers, this is an incredibly frustrating position. All of the anniversaries that are being commemorated have long past, and the opportunity for new collectors to get excited about the year’s coins has faded away.

All we want to do is find these coins!

In fact, we’d like to see The Royal Mint put the commemorative coins in circulation before the anniversary dates. 

Do you agree? Have your say in our poll below…

[polldaddy poll=9190545]