What’s your favourite A-Z 10p coin design of the year 2018?


We’re on the hunt for the best Coin Design of 2018 as part of the 2018 Change Checker Awards and we need your help! With over 50 new coins released this year, we’ve decided to shortlist the coins by denomination and then determine one overall winner from the top 10p, 50p, £2 and £5 coins as voted by Change Checkers!

A-Z 10p Coins

We start the voting with the 26 A-Z of Great Britain 10p coins which had a surprise release in March 2018 and have proved incredibly popular amongst collectors, yet notoriously tricky to find in circulation… 2.6 million were originally released back in March and now a further 2.6 million have been released, so they should start turning up in our change soon!

But which A-Z 10p coin is your favourite?

Cast your vote now using the poll at the bottom of the page and find out more about the different A-Z coins below!



With 26 beautiful designs to choose from, it’s not easy picking a favourite, but we’re looking forward to finding out which A-Z 10p coin is top amongst Change Checkers.

The winning 10p will then be entered into our Coin Design of the Year vote as part of the 2018 Change Checker Awards, alongside the top 50p, £2 and £5 coins from 2018 to determine which coin should be crowned the overall winner!

The voting has now closed and the results can be found below:



It’s now time for you to vote for your overall winner, shortlisted from Change Checker’s favourite A-Z 10p, 50p, £2 and £5 coin of the year.

Click here to find out which coins made the top 4 and to cast your vote for the overall Coin Design of the Year 2018.


View our full range of A-Z 10p coins and collecting packs here >>


The FIRST EVER A-Z 10p Scarcity Index!

The latest Change Checker Scarcity Index update of 2018 is here and excitingly, we have now been able to put together our first ever A-Z 10p Scarcity Index!

This information has been compiled using data from the third quarter of the year and presented in the easy to use indexes below to help you track the performance of your coins.


FIRST EVER A to Z 10p Scarcity Index

As more coins are starting to appear in circulation and Change Checkers are adding them to their collection, we are now able to use this data to put together the very first A-Z 10p Scarcity Index.

Initially, 2.6 million A-Z 10p coins were released, however recent news has revealed that another 2.6 million coins have now entered circulation! Therefore, we have estimated a mintage figure of 200,000 for each design in order to put together this index, combining mintage figures with the number of each coin listed in Change Checker’s collections and the number of each coin requested to swap by Change Checkers.

The clear front runner is Z -Zebra Crossing, sitting 24 points ahead of the second place coin, M – Mackintosh. Whilst everyone seems to be struggling to find the A-Z 10ps, these top few coins appear to be the hardest to come across so far, whereas S – Stonehenge, K – King Arthur and A – Angel of the North seem to be the most common. A – Angel of the North was actually the top design for the A-Z 10p Swap Index, suggesting it is most popular and therefore being swapped more often if people are finding multiples of this design.

It is only early days in terms of creating a fully accurate Scarcity Index for these coins, as we still await confirmed mintage figures for each design, and of course it is possible that this may change as more coins are found in circulation.


50p Scarcity Index


We’ve seen a lot of movement on the 50p index this quarter, possibly due to the high numbers of 2017 Beatrix Potter 50ps which have now entered circulation.

The Battle of Britain and 2016 Beatrix Potter 50p have both jumped up the index, but the most significant increase goes to the 2017 Sir Isaac Newton 50p, which actually has the second lowest mintage figure for any commemorative 50p in circulation. This coin has moved up 12 places this quarter, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it continue to improve.

Of course, Kew Gardens still remains the most scarce UK 50p coin with a mintage figure of just 210,000 and in fact, our top 6 coins have remained consistent since last quarter.


£2 Scarcity Index

We’re still waiting on the 2017 WW1 Aviation and Jane Austen £2 coins to enter circulation, and so there hasn’t been much movement for the £2 index this quarter.

The ever popular Commonwealth Games £2 coins remain at the top, although Wales has now moved down to become the least popular of the four. Our final 8 remain consistent and the only major movement goes to the Wireless Transmission £2 coin, which has fallen 7 places down the index.

We’re eagerly awaiting the newer coins to enter circulation, which I’m sure will then cause a significant re-shuffle of the leaderboard!


How the Scarcity Index works

Generally collectors have had to rely upon mintage figures to identify the scarcest coins.  But they only tell part of the story.  Trying to find a good quality coin from 15 – 20 years ago, even for a higher mintage issue, is much more challenging than a more recent issue, as coins become damaged over time and are ultimately removed from circulation.

Additionally, some designs are more hoarded than others by people who might not normally collect coins – the poignant First World War £2 Coin series being an example. Finally, it can be up to a couple of years before the Royal Mint eventually confirms the actual mintage for an issue.

That’s why we have combined the mintage information with two other key pieces of information.

  • How many of each design are listed as “collected” by Change Checkers, indicating the relative ease of finding a particular coin.
  • The number of times a design has been requested as a swap over the previous 3 months, showing the current level of collector demand.

Importantly, as new coins are released and popularity rises and falls across different designs the Scarcity Index will be updated quarterly allowing Change Checkers to track the relative performance of the UK’s circulation coins.


How much are my coins worth?

The Scarcity Index does not necessarily equate to value but it is certainly an effective indicator.  For example, the Kew Gardens 50p coin commands a premium of up to 160 times face value on eBay.


What about £1 Coins?

The £1 Scarcity Index has already been published for the Round £1 coins and, because they are no longer being issued, this is now set in stone.


If you’re interested in coin collecting, our Change Checker web app is completely free to use and allows users to:

– Find and identify the coins in their pocket
– Collect and track the coins they have
– Swap their spare coins with other Change Checkers

Sign up today at: www.changechecker.org/app

CONFIRMED: an additional 2.6 Million A-Z 10ps will enter circulation this month…

The Royal Mint and HM Treasury have just confirmed that a further 2.6 million A-Z 10p coins will enter circulation in the coming weeks.

This time the coins will be distributed through more normal networks including banks and cash distribution centres. 

An additional 2.6 million A-Z 10p coins will enter circulation in the coming weeks

This will be welcome news to collectors who have been struggling to lay their hands on the new 10ps since the initial release in March. We’re hopeful that additional volumes will continue to be struck in line with UK requirements and of course the massive collector demand.

In the meantime, if you’re still asking the question “when will I find an A to Z 10p in my change?” you might be interested in this blog.

If you’re eager to get your hands on one of the new 10ps, remember our next live swap event is coming to Bristol on the 20th October. We’ll be swapping any 10p coin for one of the new A-Z 10ps. All the details can be found here.

Secure your Complete A-Z 10p Set today!

Can’t wait to complete your collection?

Own all 26 A-Z 10p coins in ‘Early Strike’ quality and receive a FREE collector’s medal!

Order yours here >>