The Snowman returns! Second UK 50p to be released…
Last year’s incredibly popular Snowman 50p coin is set to be followed up by a brand new coin for 2019!

According to the Royal Proclamation, published on the 10th October, there will be a new coin to feature:
A figure of the Snowman and the boy from the book The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.
It’s expected the coin will be issued later this year with commemorative collector’s editions available in Brilliant Uncirculated, Silver and Gold being made available.
History of The Snowman coins
The UK’s first Snowman 50p was released in 2018 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Raymond Brigg’s much loved Christmas tale, The Snowman.

As the very first Christmas themed 50p to be released in the UK, this coin took the nation by storm and has become a firm favourite amongst collectors (myself included!).
But the 2018 Snowman 50p wasn’t actually the first coin to feature The Snowman… He’s also featured on a number 50p coins from the Isle of Man – now listed for as much £40 on eBay.

The next 50p collecting craze?
Although all the details have not been released yet and the actual designs are still top secret, it seems likely that the second Snowman 50p coin will be as popular with the British public as Peter Rabbit and friends have proved over the last three years.
Stay up to date with all the latest Snowman news…
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Reginald Sewrey has got it right. Also when items are minted as coins but never go into circulation then they are not ‘coins of the realm’ but merely a trophy or medal at best. That denigrates the the name Change – Checker as that can never happen, and the Royal Mint is profiteering on the back of coin collectors. As collectors of the true commemorative issues for the occasions we are deluged with organisations ‘tempting us’ to buy Gold & Silver versions of ‘coins’ that are not in circulation. The commemorative issues are what they are which is about history and special occasions that the people of GB relate to and can be collected for that purpose to give to help our siblings to understand history and the occasions that warrant recognition.
I am much more choosy now about what is offered as being a ‘Must have’ release.
I’m with Reginald above far to many coins coming out not enjoyable any more my daughters used to like going through our change to see if there was any coins for their collection but now they don’t even get released into general circulation.
Also the A to Z 10p set would have been very exciting to collect but to date we have never seen one in circulation in this part of the country (Suffolk)
If this continues me and several friends will also give up on collecting
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Hi Andrea, you can enter the ballot here:
The mint is saturating the market with far tpo many coiins
Myself and many friends have now stopped collecting and I believe many others,if they haven’t already,will cease to collect also
I would forrcast that as these coins are hoarded away they will never gain in value over the long term
You have killed the goose that laid the golden egg which is a shame
But there is also a new generation of collectors
So it’s in with the new and out with the old gits like us lol ? I’m sure that if that’s the case less will be bought From coin makers then
and in the future will make some more coins out today rare so it’s a cycle and people are always going to moan It’s the human nature
The snowman coin that went for £39.95 was put
On eBay was sold by me I was gobsmacked