Charles in your Change – where will you find a KCIII 50p and how much is it worth?
A new UK 50p has entered circulation featuring King Charles III’s portrait for the first time – but collectors are wondering, “how much is it worth?”

Special collector versions of the coins have already been issued and their limited edition presentations sold out within JUST HOURS!
4.9 million of these very 50ps will begin circulating from December.
You all know how many people will want this coin.
So, it could be tricky to get your hands on one.
How will you find the new KCIII 50p?
That’s why Change Checker is launching our Charles in your Change campaign – helping you collectors increase your chances of finding this 50p.

We’re asking the UK public to register where in the country they found it.
This will help us to update our collector map showing the best hot spots to find the new coin.
We’ll update this every week, so you can keep track of where, and how quickly these coins are moving around the country.
What will the King Charles III 50p be worth?
Any avid collectors knows the worth of a scarce coin.
A look at the Change Checker Scarcity Index will show you just how sought-after UK coins can be.
The coin at the top of the 50p Scarcity Index is the Kew Gardens 50p – just 210,000 entered circulation in 2009 and they still (over 13 years later) fetch around £100 on secondary market sites.

The value of the King Charles III 50p depends on what someone is prepared to pay in the future – that’s part of the joy of collecting.
But, you can be sure that if you find one in your change, you’ll own a small piece of history – the very first coin of King Charles III’s reign. And remember, it’ll never be worth less than its face value of 50p.
When will there be more coins?
Look out for a new £1 coin design next year.
It’ll be the first new £1 design since 2017 and excitingly, the very first £1 coin that could feature King Charles III’s portrait on the obverse. Find out more here >>
And of course, look out for those definitive coins – 1p – £2 coins. They will, inevitably, be redesigned in the future to have His Majesty’s portrait on them.
The first definitive coins of a new monarch’s reign mark a significant moment in numismatic history. Consequently, collectors will be racing to find a complete set of definitive coins.
Swap your coins with other collectors
Swapping your coins with other collectors will help you fill any gaps you may have in your coin collections.
If people are lucky enough to find more than one King Charles III 50p in their change, they could be prepared to swap one.
So, if you do struggle to find the 50p in your change you should head the Change Checker Community Group on Facebook. You can get tips, tricks, and even swap with other collectors – completely for free!
Or, you can list your coin collection online with the Change Checker Web App. It’s free to use and will take less than 60 seconds to sign-up!
Display your KCIII 50p in the First Effigy Collecting Pack
Get the King Charles III First Effigy Collecting Pack for JUST £15.99 (+p&p) here >>
As soon as you find the KCIII 50p in your change, you can slot it into your collecting pack, alongside the King Charles III £5 coin.
Hi all
I got 4 King Charles 111 50p coins from a post office and I didn’t have to buy anything he just took £2 from me and gave me the coins, I got them in a Co-Op post. office in Lee -on -the -Solent right down the bottom of England opposite the Isle of White.
Why is there no year date on the new 50p?
Hi there,
The date features on the reverse, underneath the design.
I have got a bag of 20 from my post office and there is no date on any of them!
Hi Steve,
the date should appear on the reverse of the design at the bottom.
I got my coin in some change today in Warwickshire
It will be great to see the new Charles III 50p in circulation, but I don’t understand your statement that only 1 in 70 of us will be able to get hold of one – with a planned mintage of 9.6 million and a UK population around 68 million, surely the chance is better than that, more like 1 in 7. Be interesting to see how your map develops. I’ve got my Change Checker version already in my collection so any I get in change I will spend to let someone else find.
How do you work out 1 in 70 ? The coin is being released through the post office first of all, then the banks will have them on a later date. You go to post office and ask for one on your change
Great information thankyou.
where I can get post office or bank ?
You can go to both as soon as the coin has been confirmed to have entered circulation 🙂
As I live on a island is so had to get circulated coins. Thay rally on ship passages cameing over with UK money. So we’re are thay going in to circulation plz.thanks.
O yes the f.v coins how do I no if I’m on it are not ?
Hi Cliff,
When the coin has been confirmed to have entered circulation, we should receive an update on how they’re being distributed. We can assume they will first be distributed from UK post offices and banks. Keeping an eye on our collector map will show you where the coins are being found around the country, giving you an idea of where your nearest hot-spot will be.
You can call our customer service team and ask them to confirm if you’re on the Face Value Ballot: 0333 00 32 777